19th Annual CICA Convention
to Jul 20

19th Annual CICA Convention

The 19th Annual Convention will be held on July 19th-20th in La Junta, CO. This is sure to be a time of fellowship, learning, and planning for the future of CICA. Guests welcome!


$75 if post-marked by July 5th
$100 after July 5th

Registration packets are being sent to all members. If you are not a member you may request a packet by contacting the CICA Intern Carli Carter at carli09jo@gmail.com . Membership is not required to attend the convention.

If you send your registration after July 10, please email Carli so she can include you in the food count.


A room block has been made at:
Hampton Inn, 27800 US-50, La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 384-4444
Ask for the CICA rate.

Another recommended hotel:
Holiday Inn Express, 27994 US-50, La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 384-2900

Tentative Schedule

Friday, July 19: Educational Tour Day
1:00 PM - Meet at Innovative Water Technologies, Inc.
(29625 Industrial Park Road, Rocky Ford, CO)
IWT is located on the west side of Rocky Ford, but you have to go past where you can see the facility to get on Industrial Park Road, and go back west to get there. 
2:30 PM - Leave IWT to go to Research Station
3:00 PM - Arrive at CSU Arkansas Valley Research Center
(27901 Road 21, Rocky Ford, CO)
5:00 PM - Tour ends
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM - Social- Refreshments donated by Virbac Animal Health, and Multi-Min
5:30 PM - Ribeye Steak Dinner
(Steaks donated by Linz Heritage Angus, prepared by Dave Link, Multi-Min; salad, beans, and rolls donated by Virbac Animal Health, and Axiota(Multi-Min)); dessert (donated by Colorado Veterinary Clinic)
6:15 PM - Multi-Min (Axiota) presentation by Dave Link
7:00 PM - Wolf Depredation- Personal accounts by the Dave Gittleson Family
8:00 PM - Depart CSU Facility

Saturday, July 20
Location: Rizzuto Banquet Room, Otero College, 2001 San Juan Ave., La Junta, CO
8:00 AM -9:00 AM- Registration & Check-in
9:00 AM -10:30 AM -Committee meetings and resolution discussion
10:30 AM -10:50 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Noon - Speaker, Ken DeGraaf
12:10 PM - 12:45 PM - Lunch & Speaker - Colorado Brand Board Director, Todd Inglee
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Speaker, Margaret Byfield
3:00 PM -3:20 PM -Break
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Business Meeting
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Break & Social Hour
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM - Beef Brisket Dinner
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Bill Bullard-R-CALF USA
8:00 PM - Convention Concludes


We are in search of sponsors for the 19th Annual CICA Convention! Please reach out to businesses in your area who might be interested. 

Below is the links to the sponsorship letter and form:

Sponsorship Letter

Sponsorship Form

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18th Annual CICA Convention
to Jul 22

18th Annual CICA Convention

Colorado Independent CattleGrowers invites you to their 18th annual meeting in Durango Colorado, on July 21st and 22nd. A tentative general schedule for the convention is listed below. Addresses for meeting places are listed below the schedule.

Friday the 21st

-        Vallecito Dam Tour 1:30pm (meet at Bayfield High school at 1:00pm)

-        “Leaving a Legacy” by Craig and Amanda Korth

-        Dinner by Bonds Beef burgers and sides.

Saturday the 22nd

-        Registration 8:00 to 9:00am

-        Welcome

-        Committee breakdowns

-        Resolutions

-        Break 10:45am

-        Presentation by Vet Lora Bledsoe

-        Lunch 12:00 to 1:00

-        “War on Meat” Shad Sullivan

-        Speech From Bill Bullard

-        Questions and Discussions

-        Break

-        Business meeting

-        Social Hour

-        Prime Rib Dinner 6:30pm


Friday meet at Bayfield High School for Dam tour

Bayfield High School, 800 Co Rd 501 Bayfield, CO 81122

Friday evening the convention will meet at Vallecito Resort.

Junction West Vallecito Resort, 13030 Co Rd 501 Bayfield, CO 81122

All other activities for the Convention will be held at

Oxford Grange 8018 HWY 172 Ignacio, CO 81137



BECOME A SPONSOR! See click the link below for more information.


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17th Annual CICA Convention
to Jul 16

17th Annual CICA Convention

The 2022 Annual Convention will be held on July 15th-16th in Burlington, CO. This is sure to be a great time of fellowship, learning, and planning for the future of CICA. Guests welcome!


Burlington Sale Barn, 46277 US-24, Burlington, CO 80807


$75 if post-marked by July 5th
$100 after July 5th

Send registration to:
Jayden Osborne, CICA Intern
6094 Lane 3
Olney Springs, CO 81062


A room block has been made at:
Best Western, 605 S Lincoln St, Burlington, CO 80807
(719) 346-7777
Reservations must be made by July 1st

Other hotels:
Econolodge, 577 S Lincoln St, Burlington, CO 80807
(719) 343-7722

Quality Inn, 282 S Lincoln St, Burlington, CO 80807
(719) 346-7676

Tentative Schedule

Friday, July 15th

12:00 PM: Meet at the Burlington Sale Barn for a ranch tour of Callicrate Cattle Company in Saint Francis, KS.

2:00 PM MST (3:00 PM CST): Begin ranch tour

6:30 PM: Dinner in Saint Francis - RSVP to Jayden Osborne at jdnosborne11@gmail.com if you will be attending the dinner.

Saturday, July 17th

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Meeting

12:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Meeting

6:30 PM: Supper

8:00 PM: Auction and Raffle Drawing


Speakers include:
Bill Bullard, R-CALF USA
Norman Kincaide, speaking on 30/30 Initiative
Heather Riley, speaking on wolf Introduction in Colorado

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CICA Legislative Day 2022

CICA Legislative Day 2022

Join us to help inform local legislators of the issues affecting our industry! We will be specifically focused on legislation surrounding wolves.

8:45 AM - Meet at the Capitol to watch from the gallery as the House conducts business.

Noon - CICA is sponsoring lunch for the House and Senate Ag Committees in Room 603 of the Legislative Services Building (directly north, across the street from the capitol) to discuss agriculture and rural issues.

1:30 PM - Lorene Bonds will be confirmed to the State Brand Board by the Senate Ag Committee.

Representative Holtorf will be holding a press conference with Fox 31 concerning wolf issues sometime in the afternoon. The exact time is still TBD.

Contact Curt Werner, CICA President, if you would like more details, or if you are unable to attend but have something you would like brought up at the Capitol.

Curt Werner: cwerner@wernerangus.com (970) 371-0879

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16th Annual CICA Convention
to Jul 17

16th Annual CICA Convention

The 2021 Annual Convention will be held on July 16th-17th in Craig, CO. This is sure to be a great time of fellowship, learning, and planning for the future of CICA. Guests welcome!


NOTE: Because of the delay in distributing registration forms, all registrations received before Convention will be $80. Registration at the door will be $100. Contact Kaleb Lee, CICA Intern, with any questions at (970) 799-4604.

$80 if registered before the convention

$100 if registered at the door


Quality Inn & Suites, 300 Colorado 13, Craig, CO 81625

All events and meals will be held here.

Tentative Schedule

Friday, July 16th

2:00 PM: Packing House & Ranch Tour

5:30 PM: Supper (Pulled Beef)

Following Supper: Guest Speaker - R-CALF USA CEO, Bill Bullard

Saturday, July 17th

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Policy

12:00 PM: Lunch (Sandwiches)

1:00 PM: Business Meeting

3:00 PM: Guest Speaker - Mindy Patterson, Cavalry Group

6:30 PM: Supper

8:00 PM: Auction and Raffle Drawing (Prize is a Del-Ton AR-15)

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SCLA Meeting

SCLA Meeting

Information on Initiative 16, also referred to as PAUSE and possible action by SCLA. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Secretary Julie Sumpter: juliesumpter2@gmail.com.


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